Matt W-R's Portfolio


Created this portfolio static site to display projects I have worked on by personally & professionally. Built the website with SvelteKit & styled with TailwindCSS. Deployed with netlify via GitHub integration.


Independently established the foundational framework for a dynamic web application, while working at the company 3ADAPT, aimed at facilitating land selection and evaluating the impact of various interventions. Assumed a leadership role as the lead, founding developer, fostering productive collaborations through engagement with internal stakeholders and backlog refnement.


Created previous portfolio website to display projects I have worked on by myself/as part of a team. Used SCSS to style the HTML5 structure & TypeScript to add specific functionality including a 'scroll anchor' system & dynamic cosmetic effects. Wrote a gulp 'watch' script to automatically compile the TypeScript & SCSS in the background during development. Implemented JavaScript/CSS/HTML minification, ES5 transpilation & other processes within a gulp 'build' script.


Helped design & build the foundations of a parking app as part of an agile team of four developers, using Slack, Jira & Zoom to collaborate. Employed Node.js & Express to create a documented, RESTful back end, following the controller-service design pattern. Proposed a data structure & implemented it using MongoDB. Built functions to validate & sanitise user inputs, unit tested this built functionality using Jest. Used React to create a component-based front end architecture that consumed the back-end API. Implemented the proposed design accurately using InVision.


Worked in one of two parallel agile development teams on a legacy PHP & JavaScript application Worked within an MVC architectural pattern & used the Slim framework. Created new features in a manner that complemented the existing feature implementation with the assistance of pair-programming & code-reviews. Utilised a CI server to ensure all unit tests passed & any coding standards were matched before task branches were able to be merged.


Worked in a team of 8 developers, over the course of a single sprint, to create a web application to display information about different dog breeds from a MySQL database & filter them by their associated temperaments. Created unit-tested & fully documented object-orientated functionality in PHP. Implemented namespacing, autoloading & the hydrator design pattern.


Worked in one of two parallel agile scrum teams on a legacy TypeScript, SCSS & Bootstrap application. Worked to identify & fix bugs in an existing codebase as well as creating new features in a fashion that complements the existing functionality. Utilised Handlebars to create & dynamically populate templates. Used Postman to assist in the workflow when interacting with a private API.


Created a PHP application to store user inputted item information in a database, with a data structure of my design. Displayed the stored data using HTML & CSS. PHP validation functions were unit tested using PHPUnit & fully documented. Implemented accessible HTML to offer functionality to as many people as possible. Code reviewed peers doing similar projects along the way. Created the database using MySQL & used Docker to run my local development server.


Led a team of my peers, as the scrum master, in creating a game using JavaScript, HTML & CSS. Worked collaboratively in an agile scrum team, using Git for version control. Practiced pair programming & detailed code reviews in the process. Guided my team in presenting the work in a sprint review & organised/carried out a sprint retrospective for my team.